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Smart planning

Marketing Strategy

You wouldn't try building anything substantial without a plan; it's the same with marketing - it is best approached with a plan. Something structured with well-articulated goals, measurable outcomes, and lots of actionable items. Each plan we create is completely different from the next because it’s made to capture your individual business requirements.

Small but effective

Marketing Strategies for small businesses

Every business regardless of size deserves to have a plan of attack, we call this a marketing strategy or plan.

We see it time and time again that businesses do their marketing without any idea of what they are truly offering, who their target market is, what they should be saying, and through what marketing channels. If you are in this position, you are not alone - join the club, stick to what you do so well for your clients and let us determine a marketing strategy for you within your budget.

We can produce a one-pager or the whole shebang… totally depends on your budget. Bottom line: we can help you with whatever marketing plan suits you. Give us a call to discuss what type of marketing strategy your business needs to succeed.

The bigger picture

Marketing Strategies for large organisations

We love doing the big stuff and really getting into it, especially when it comes to marketing strategies. We often do work for larger organisations, events, tourism destinations, government departments, etc. A little tragic as far as the rest of us go – but whatever floats their boat, right?

Here is the way the team approaches a marketing strategy on a larger scale:

  • Background research
  • Collaborating with you to determine goals, visions, missions, etc.
  • Determining research findings
  • Competitor analysis
  • Industry alignment, engagement, and leveraging
  • Key product attributes
  • Determining target markets
  • Branding articulation and alignment
  • Determining the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Measurement and review
  • Tactical Marketing Activity Matrix

Our famous Tactical Marketing Activity Matrix is a little piece of heaven that is in high demand because it’s an integral part of a successful marketing strategy. It is a big, long list of all the types of marketing activities that you could possibly do to get more customers. It ranks the different activities by priority, market, cost, hours to set up, etc., and basically gives you the magic solution to be able to make some coin. Our many years of experience in crafting marketing plans help us to prioritise what will be great for your business. Can’t decide whether to tattoo your logo on your forehead or hire the Goodyear blimp to get the most out of your advertising budget? Then this fabulous document has you covered.

When you are satisfied, you know the way ahead but are tragically time-poor, we can then help you implement your marketing plan if you need. From vision to execution, we’re here to help.

Want to know more, then why not give us a yell.

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